Monday, December 8, 2014

Anaphylaxis and Short Term Memory Loss

I found this link to shed light on my Anaphylaxis and Short Term Memory issues. I realize now that some of my confusion and total lack of short term memory is related to loss of oxygen to my brain when my blood pressure dropped an I was unconscious so many times during the 31 episodes of Anaphylaxis. I guess other people have noticed at this point. At work it is really obvious because I have to keep asking for people to repeat their requests if it more than one.  My concentration is way down and I know I have lost some of my brain power.  If you have had this experience please comment here.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Anaphylaxis-Again and Again

I had an Anaphylaxis on November 11.  It was fast moving and I was on the floor with lowered blood pressure and excruciating pain in the first 5 minutes. 
Another one happened yesterday: Dec. 2nd.  Slower moving--It started at 2pm while at work.  I was able to administer my Epi-pen and get all the meds started so as not to get to the point of being on the floor unable to move.  I am back at work today.  Phewwww, feeling better today.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

End the Anaphylaxis episode- The Meds

I use zophran when my anaphylaxis starts.  The zophran is great for taking down that awful stomach pain. Then I take my benedryl, with my allergy meds 6 Atarax and then the epi to rush the meds into my system faster. The benedryl takes down the itching a lot because I take a triple dose. That is 75mg.  The allergist said start all the meds when the flushing starts. I do that and then I have a couple prednisone on hand to keep it all from returning.  This has been working so well that I did not even go to the hospital this time. But with a child I would always go to emergency just to be sure.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Still going on

On March 15 I had another full episode and a few close calls. Today I had another huge episode.  Taking all my meds when I feel it coming on is the key for avoiding a trip to the hospital.  I keep hoping it will go away but it still keeps trying to take me down. Thank you mom for being with me through this. You saved me again today. Love you.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Another episode of Anaphalxis

The morning of February 15 3:00am I had another life threatening attack of Anaphylaxis.  There was no time to get my epi-pen. I was taken by ambulance to the local hospital.  They give me the worst care to date for my condition.  No one understood my rare condition.  They waited two hours before giving me what I needed to reduce the agony of my stomach pain and pounding pain in my head. I had the shakes really bad and none of them would came in see that I was in severe shock. This was a terrible experience.  Unfortunately this disgusting hospital is the only one near my new home.  I thought I was going to die for sure this time. My blood pressure was so low I was not able walk or open my eyes. The EMTs had to carry me downstairs to the ambulance and banged my head against the wall. This is my 23rd episode.   I am still here. Yippee!